Monday, January 24, 2011

Since when does Defending someones Honor, constitue as starting Shit???

Yesterday, whilst on facebook, I saw a status commenting on a Role Model of mine and that is where this topic began. I comment that I like this person and for the next 30 minutes, I experienced a large about of bashing for liking this person. I tried to tell them that this person was not a slob who did nothing and mooch of his girlfriend. I told them about the things he did and does. He is an Auther, a Bar Manager, he has a well known Blog, he runs marathons, and he has many other things he does so to say that he does nothing is frankly insulting.

They continued to talk shit, so, they beging huge fans of His girlfriend, I informed them that she would not be happy about how they were talking. That even though they don't know why they are together, and they don't "approve", it isn't up to them. If they were real devoted fans of his girlfriend they would be happy that she is happy. Then, I assume they got pissed that I told them the fucking truth about the situation, responded like this:
           "I don't know what you're talking about. You don't know what you are talking about, and I don't why you are angry you're the one starting shit..."

Really? Really, I started shit. You talk crap about someone, I defend them but I am the problem. I am the problem because I told them the fucking truth and they didn't like it. But still, this was all to much for me.

Are we so conceeded in our thoughts that we can't except another persons opinion? This person also said I wasn't excepting her opinion. Also shit. I didn't say she could have her opinion, I was stating facts. Facts! I just don't know anymore...

I can't decide wheather I am angry at the comment made or if I am angry that the situations was handled in such a manner. All I know is that I no longer want to be group with people like this. The name for the fans, is no longer my name. I still love this girl with all my heart, but I know what she wants to accomplish with us, and her fans becoming Drones is not at all what she wants. So I am independant now and forever.

Of course I am still a huge fan of the dude as well. I think I will go read his blog now ;)

Now and forever a LÜCist and an monstre indépendants,

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