Monday, January 3, 2011

Legends of the Gaurdians...Oh crap I mean Great Minds, oops

Great minds think alike...But where the hell are these minds?
The legends of these minds have grown through history: Philosophers, Kings, Queens, Scientist, ECT. But I want the ingenious, creative minds of today. To mention Black Swan again, though I have not seen it, I can already see the creative difference. The artistic, dramatic, beauty that lives just under the skin. You know where her black feathers grow? Lady Gaga is another one of theseGreat minds. Okay so maybe not everyone likes her. Maybe you don't like her. Though I like her, I know not everyone can handle her. She is different, she is not afraid to be different, and tha bravery freaks people out. It's true...

I believe a creatively Great Mind is different. I believe that mind goes against the norm, why? Because then they are different. They are unique. They are talked about, and even when its a bad thing, the fact of the matter is they are being talked about.

This world needs more of these minds. More people, not being a Lady Gaga and showing up for school in meat. But, people who will show the courage to be themselves publicly. Use there talents and use there unique ideas, even if they are dirty, or wierd, or even disturbing. Someone out there will appericate it, someone will get it, and someone may even take from you the same courage Gaga gives me, or maybe I give you, and expand there own great mind.

For us to think alike, we must first find those other Great Minds. Now GO!!!!

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